Swarajit Ghosh

Dr. Swarajit Ghosh


Years Experience

Dr. Swarajit Ghosh is a Best Psychiatrists in Hauz Khas, Delhi. You can book an appointment online with Dr. Swarajit Ghosh

88%Health Score

About Dr. Swarajit Ghosh

We Provide Top Reliable Psychiatrists Specialists All Over India. You will find Psychiatrists experts with over years of experience on our platform. You can find the best Psychiatrists specialist in Delhi. Check the profile of the right medical experts before taking a good decision, then you can consult with them.


MBBS - Nilratan Sircar Medical College - 1998 Membership - Association of Contextual Behavioral Science - 2009 Structure of Intellect learning Specialist - Energia Wellbeing - 2015

Languages spoken

English Hindi

Other treatment areas

Psychotherapist Addiction Psychiatrist Adult Psychiatrist Integrative Psychiatrist Adolescent And Child Psychiatrist Forensic Psychiatrist

Past Experience

Research Scholar at Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA Senior Resident at VIMHANS Resident Psychiatry Trainee at Swansea NHS Hospital Trust, Swansea, UK

Professional Memberships

Association of Contextual and Behavioral Science , USA Mental Health Innovation Network

Frequently Asked Common Questions & Answers

Q: What is Dr. Swarajit Ghosh an expert in?

A: Dr. Swarajit Ghosh is a specialist in Psychiatrists

Q: What is the educational qualification of Dr. Swarajit Ghosh?

A: Dr. Swarajit Ghosh has the following qualifications - MBBS - Nilratan Sircar Medical College - 1998.

Q: How many years of experience does Dr. Swarajit Ghosh have in Psychiatrists?

A: Dr. Swarajit Ghosh has an experience of years in Psychiatrists.

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